Hello and welcome to Dream. Build. Ship!, the personal website of Daniel Lyons. Here, I collect anything and everything that I find interesting, and think might be beneficial to someone else on the internet.

Please be aware that, as a personal wiki and Digital Garden, this site follows the philosophy of Learn in Public, meaning that much of this site is a work in progress. A lot of the content here might not be “polished” and that is okay. What appears here, is a Second Brain and a Living document.

But there are also sections of the site which are intended to be more “polished” and “releasable”. For example the Blog section.

Points of Interest

  • Inputs: Here are some things I’m reading.

About the Infrastructure of this Site

  • I edit and write this site using a fantastic piece of software called Obsidian.
    • Obsidian is a Markdown editor with many powerful customizations.
    • Every file in an Obsidian vault is a simple .md file, which is plain text.
  • I use Quartz, a Static Site Generation, to then convert those .md files into fully fleshed out HTML, CSS, and JS.
    • Under the hood Quartz uses Hugo for static site generation.