
This tutorial goes over how to use @tool scripts and advanced @exports to sculpt the inspector to our liking.Apologies for the slight high-pitched noise in t…

My Notes

0:00 Intro

0:54 Github Project

GitHub - LeifintheWind/AdvancedExports: Companion godot project for the advanced exports youtube video by Leif In The Wind.

1:19 Basic Exporting

See also: @export in GDScript

1:49 How to create an advanced export script

extends Node2D
func _get_property_list() -> Array:
	# return the properties you'd like to export and their config

6:45 More complex variable exports

9:50 Custom resource in an array

10:50 Adding conditionals

13:05 Using tool resources

15:08 Visualizers

18:00 Outro