In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of deploying and migrating your website from Github Pages to Netlify. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this step-by-step video will show you how to seamlessly transition your site to Netlify for improved performance, scalability, and ease of use. Get ready to take your website to the next level with this comprehensive guide! in HIndi
1.Publish it to GitHub. 2. Connect Netlify With GitHub. 3. Deploy web page with github.
Netlify link
link for github
Create Account GitHUb
Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 23.10 (VS Code) [2023
Hashtag:- #githubdeploymigratingnetlifynetlifytutorialwebdevelopmentcodingtutorialsgithubtipsnetlifytipsdeployingwebsiteswebhostinggithubmigrationsnetlifydeploywebdesigngithubprojectsnetlifyplatformwebdevelopmenttutorial