I present this in Christian brotherhood to my fellow believers. Expand this description for TIME STAMPS for the video…
I am not intending to attack or misrepresent Calvinism but to offer an honest biblical critique of what I see as one of the major pillars in Calvinism. I welcome responses and encourage them to stay on topic and to focus on clear exegesis. However, if a comment or response ignores what I am saying and how I am building my case biblically I probably won’t give it much time. Links you may be interested in My video on predestination and election - My video on a non-Calvinist interpretation of Romans 9 - My video on why God hardens hearts -
My Notes
Introduction (0:00)
- 0:02 Mike Winger introduces the topic of Calvinism.
- 0:11 The central issue: Whether faith is a work and it’s relevance to Calvinism.
- 0:21 ⭐ This is a key reason he is not a Calvinist.
- 0:35 Focus is on biblical reasons, not fluff or rhetoric.
- 0:51 ⭐ The primary question is: Is it biblical?
- 1:10 Plan: Calvinist quotes, scriptures, and demonstrating how a biblical truth undermines a pillar of Calvinism.
- 1:30 Disclaimer: Respect for Calvinist friends; this is a “family matter.”
- 1:46 No vilification of Calvinists or Calvinism.
- 2:18 Prioritizing Calvinist comments in the live chat.
Is Faith a Work? (2:39)
- 2:39 The central issue: Is faith a work?
- 2:48 ⭐ Mike believes this is deeply connected to the validity of Calvinism.
- 2:59 Calvinists treat faith as a work when defending their positions.
- 3:09 If faith is not a work, there are fewer reasons to be Calvinist.
- 3:22 Does Calvinism teach faith is a meritorious labor for God?
Biblical Perspective: Romans 3 (3:33)
- 3:33 Bible first, then Calvinist quotes, then response, then comments.
- 3:36 Romans 3.20: Justification is not by works of the law.
- 3:41 Romans 3:21-22[[Rom-03#v22|]]: Righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
- 4:24 Belief leads to righteousness, the opposite of works.
- 4:37 The works of the law include loving God and loving your neighbor.
- 4:58 Salvation is by believing, contrasting works and faith.
- 5:09 Romans 3:27: Boasting is excluded by the law of faith, not works.
- 5:50 ⭐ Key verse: Romans 3.27 Where then is the boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith.
- 5:52 If saved by faith, there’s no reason to boast.
- 6:02 Belief (faith in Jesus’ finished work) means no boasting.
- 6:25 When Calvinists act like faith is a work, it contradicts the Bible.
- 6:31 Faith and works are contrary; one rules out the other.
Biblical Perspective: Romans 4 (6:48)
- 6:48 Romans 4.1: Abraham was not justified by works; if so, he could boast.
- 7:01 Same concept as Romans 3: Do you get credit?
- 7:11 If saved by faith, you can’t boast because you didn’t earn it.
- 7:21 Faith merits nothing.
- 7:27 Romans 4.3: Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.
- 7:33 His belief was counted as righteousness, not earned righteousness.
- 7:40 Romans 4:4-5[[Rom-04#v5|]]: Faith contrasted with work; belief justifies the ungodly.
- 8:02 Faith is not a work, as verse 5 states.
- 8:20 Romans 4.13: Promise to Abraham came through the righteousness of faith.
- 8:48 Righteousness of faith: Believe God, He gives righteousness.
- 9:01 God gets all the credit; you can’t boast.
- 9:05 Romans 4.16: Salvation depends on faith so that the promise rests on grace.
- 9:21 ⭐ Romans 4.16 is very important on this issue
- 9:52 Faith establishes grace.
Biblical Perspective: Galatians 2 and 3 (9:59)
- 9:59 Galatians 2.16: Justification is not by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ.
- 10:10 Juxtaposition: faith = grace, free; works = boasting (but everyone fails).
- 10:36 Faith is obviously not a work.
- 10:40 Cannot “switcheroo” and say believing is meritorious/boastful.
- 10:56 Galatians 3.2: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?
- 11:18 You have to hear and believe.
- 11:21 Galatians 3.5: God supplies the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?
- 11:44 Abraham can’t boast; you can’t either.
- 11:51 Faith = grace = no boasting = all credit to God.
- 12:01 In the Calvinistic system, this changes quickly.
Summary of Bible Passages (13:12)
- 13:15 Three things established:
- 13:17 1. Works as earning salvation are unbiblical.
- 13:21 2. Faith is not a work.
- 14:02 3. Faith establishes grace and gives no reason to boast.
How Calvinism Treats Faith as a Work (14:15)
Synergism vs. Monergism (14:23)
- 14:23 Quoting RC Sproul on synergism and monergism.
- 14:47 Must know synergism/monergism for this discussion.
- 14:59 Synergism: Cooperative venture of working together.
- 15:01 Monergism: Operates by itself, works alone.
- 15:04 Sproul Quote - Monergism:
- 15:59 Regeneration happens maaan urges tically with only God working
- 17:51 Every Christian agrees salvation is monergistic (God does all the work).
- 18:01 The “switcheroo”: Calvinists say if you believe based on a decision you made, that’s synergism.
- 18:28 Contradiction: Scriptures say faith is not a work; don’t say choice to believe is synergism.
- 18:41 Starts to act like the act of believing is a work
- 18:56 Choice to believe is faith is working for salvation that is not biblical
James White on Synergism (19:08)
- 19:08 Quoting James White on synergism.
- 19:52 White: God is not the one who saves
- 20:00 God makes salvation possible aids by some kind of grace
- 20:27 What binds everyone together if you’re a modernist God can actually save
- 20:29 If you’re a synergist God can only try to save
- 20:46 God could not have saved me without me
- 22:23 All Synergists God Alone doesn’t do the saving
- 22:57 Choice just trust in Christ that itself is a work
- 24:00 Belief the Holy Spirit did a work in me to help me do it still getting credit
- 25:01 Monergist is believing God saves you entirely includes making you have faith
- 25:23 The God doing all the work in that exact scenario
- 25:38 Suggest is means God tries to save and can’t
- 25:43 Fluff Rhetoric not Accurate
RC Sproul Jr. on Faith as Not a Work (26:04)
- 26:04 Quoting RC Sproul Jr. on why faith is not a work.
- 26:17 Violation Biblical Text
- 26:21 Faith is not a work on two counts
- 26:23 1 it is a gift from God
- 26:50 Not even choosing faith given to me
- 27:14 the idea that you’re dead
- 27:20 Dead in sin means cannot even say I believe
- 27:27 Have to actually get regenerated first
- 27:45 2 Faith by its nature is passive we rest we don’t work we received we do not earn
Reformation Theology (28:31)
- 28:36 Reformation Theology: “Is faith a work?”
- 28:44 Confess that our regeneration or new birth in Christ is monastic a work of God alone
- 29:06 Thus our faith in Christ arises out of a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit
- 29:26 All other schemes unregenerate either takes initiative or cooperates
Analysis of Calvinist Perspectives (31:06)
- 31:06 Faith is not a work according to the Bible
- 31:26 There’s something about just trusting God that Calvinism elevates and makes a gospel issue
- 31:41 Like Mike you have a false gospel
- 32:00 Tulip Test
The Tulip Test (31:56)
- 31:56 Presenting the “Tulip Test” as a sneaky way to make people think faith is a work.
- 33:33 Sneaky trick questions
- 33:56 How Much Glory Does Jesus Get for My Salvation All of It
- 34:46 Asking What did you make a different
- 35:50 Perfect Example
Two Questions Asked on Facebook Page and Twitter (38:01)
- 38:09 1. Do you consider faith to be a work in the sense that it merits anything?
- 38:14 2. If not, how can a non-Calvinist position be considered synergism?
- 38:33 Like the Left Brain Wants to Say Faith Is Not a Work
Responses from Calvinists (38:52)
- 38:56 Jeff Robinson: Agrees that Ephesians 2 says salvation is by grace so there’s no boasting, but faith itself is a gift.
- 39:14 Take us back to the scripture here boasting is excluded by the law of faith
- 39:20 David Wilson: Puts faith in a different category than works, but it’s still a command.
- 39:46 That is exactly followed the track of Calvinism
- 40:11 Steve Hayes: In Calvinism, both faith and works are nonmeritorious.
- 40:31 In freewill theism, faith is an independent contribution made by the sinner no
- 40:55 God didn’t make you have faith would be a work now
- 41:07 Joe Dunn: Faith is kind of a work.
- 41:34 Faith is not a work
- 41:55 Terrence Theodore: Faith is a work performed by God.
- 42:06 Non Calvinists understand freel will believe chose in of themselves hints synergism
- 42:24 Every time God says choose this implies Free Will
- 42:33 Sonny Burrell: Faith is neither a work nor meritorious.
- 42:42 Non Calvin is synergistic because effect made faith meritorious
- 42:49 Assumptions to push you to Calvinist views
Laura Elizabeth McGregor (43:31)
- 43:31 Laura Elizabeth McGregor answers on facebook
- 43:33 Yes faith is Gods work merits everything
Pre-Sub Guy (44:07)
- 44:07 No faith is not meritorious
Ashley Gardner (44:55)
- 44:55 Alone God Alone makes me have face so I have no free will
Aaron Break (45:21)
- 45:32 You consider face to be a work does not merit
- 45:37 No faith is not a work but is itself a gift of God
- 45:53 Calvinist refers to faith as Meritorious work
- 46:11 You’re saying faith is not a work that it is
Summary of Responses (47:22)
- 47:38 Prioritize objections
- 47:50 If change the subject probably not respond
Q&A (48:11)
Michael Cato (48:14)
- 48:18 Question for Mike regardless of whether faith is a work or not
- 48:22 Passages such as acts 1348 in John 644 suggest God is absolute
- 48:49 the passage does not say anything about
- 49:05 Being the catalyst for belief except
- 49:14 Calvinism Arminianism predestination and election
- 49:40 compatible and the Bible does not talk clearly
- 49:43 about those issues
Christopher Jank (51:03)
- 51:03 How does one explain
- 51:04 Scriptures like Peter 28 or other clear
- 51:11 Trying to remember is that first Peter
Thomas Rize (52:35)
- 52:35 If you would have a good in-house conversation
Michael Celestia (52:42)
- 52:42 And never heard that faith
Triggerman (53:58)
- 53:58 Mike you claimed
- 54:02 That faith is not a gift in Ephesians 2
- 54:06 8 clearly says faith is a
Gospel Hand (57:42)
- 57:42 Throwing some verses I would like Mike Wenger to
Sarah Boot Camp (60:13)
- 60:13 If faith isn’t a work what can we do or
- 60:26 Trespassers and sins point because even
Conclusion (70:45)
- 70:45 Legitimate Achilles heel of Calvinism
- 70:53 Faith is not a work
- 71:12 Something that’s gonna make a difference
- 71:17 Do I want you to change from Calvinist to non
- 71:21 Because think going from left
- 71:29 Want to be a Calvinist
Next Week (71:45)
- 71:45 Next Week the Passion Translation
⭐ ➡️ Actionable Next Steps:
- ➡️ Review Romans 3 and 4, focusing on whether Paul implies God gives faith in the specific sense Calvinists claim.
- ➡️ Research the Greek in Ephesians 2:8 to understand the grammatical arguments about whether “this” refers to faith specifically.
- ➡️ Consider and research different perspectives on the “dead in trespasses and sins” concept in Ephesians.