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Hello everyone! You might want to make a game in which you drag or select things with your mouse, but you’ll soon find out that doing this is not as easy as one might expect, especially if there are overlapping areas. In this video we are taking a look at how to have a click event no propagate through multiple overlapping areas. While, at first, this might seem like a simple task, you’d quickly notice a nasty issue: clicking on an area emits the input event of all areas underneath that area. We explore how to fix this issue with control nodes and with intersecting points.

Resources: Mouse filter property: The intersect point function:

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My Notes

0:00 The problem…

  • When a click is detected on a coordinate where the cards are overlapping, then both cards are picked up, instead of just the top one.
  • Old setup: The card is an Area2D. When the _input_event signal goes off, then the script sets the card’s isDragging to True.

1:57 Stopping click propagation on overlapping areas with Control Nodes

  • Two ways of solving this issue:
    1. Using a Control node in Godot
      • Use a TextureRect instead of a Sprite2D
      • 03:05: Centering the control node
      • 03:28: Advantage of using Control over Area2D
        • it has a property called mouse which allows us to stop the propagation of the mouse event

5:31 The caveats of using Control Nodes

  • 05:18: Caveats:
    1. The click detection is determined by the ordering in the scene tree, not the ordering property of the CanvasItem.
      • In other words, even if the card is visually on top, this does not mean that it will be the one that receives the click detection.
    2. 06:26: If another control is above, and has a mouse filter set to stop then it will block click detection

7:27 Stopping click propagation on overlapping areas with Intersect Points

  • Using an intersect point function: