- “All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.”
- As the Rolling Stones said: I can’t get no satisfaction.
- What is meant by sight of the eyes in Ecclesiastes 6:9 and 11:9?
- My guess:
- Observe: God created the world and saw that it was good, Adam and Eve also saw that the fruit was good to eat. (Unfortunately, they also desired, then disobeyed and ate).
- Perhaps the teacher is telling us it is better to simply see and appreciate the good things. We should not be caught up in desiring everything and needing to acquire and keep up with the joneses. Instead be satisfied with what you have.
- My guess:
- What does it mean for the soul to be filled with good?
- It seems to be talking about satisfaction.
- Notice, the man described here has all the material things that we would call a very good life. Many years, many children, and presumably much wealth. Yet he has no burial and he is not filled with good. It seems he has great things, but does not now how to enjoy it.
- This chapter perplexes me. It’s particularly shocking to see v3 when it says that it is better to be a stillborn child rather than to live a long life without your soul being filled with good.
- It seems to be talking about satisfaction.
- What is the significance of a burial?
- see v3
- Our culture spends so much time fixating on how to pursue happiness and get pleasure. But we spend so little time caring about how do we actually enjoy what we have. What good is all of this pleasure if you can’t truly enjoy it? What good is having much if one day, each and every one of us will lose it all?
Father God, it is sad how often I desire more, when I don’t even appreciate just how much you have already given me. Why should I have more when I neglect to thank you for your blessings? How would I even appreciate new blessings if I can’t even appreciate my current blessings? There is an even greater blessing that I need, that I should humbly ask for, satisfaction. LORD, please teach me to be satisfied. With what you’ve given me, and with who You are. Amen.