💡Big Idea

Takeaways and Next Steps

📖Bible Passage



  • What are some common ideas about angels today?
    • Angels are quite popular in society today, even amongst non-Christians and people who haven’t even read the Bible.
    • Many books and movies are about angels.
    • Although our society is fascinated with angels, the church has largely been silent on angels.
    • Without a biblical understanding of angels, there are great dangers. We can become susceptible to the deceptions of fallen angels.
      • Mohammad received the Quran from someone he believed and taught to be the angel Gabriel
      • Joseph Smith likewise received the Book of Mormon from a supposed angel named Moroni
      • But Paul taught us to test the angels and to be wary of false gospels from fallen angels. Galatians 1:8
  • We must also be careful not to be overly fixated on angels.
  • Most depictions of angels in our culture are a made up product of human imagination, but these are not in line with what we see in the Bible.
  • What does the bible teach about angels?
    • Angels are always masculine. There are no female angels in the bible
    • They can travel instantly
    • They are immaterial spirits. Hebrews 1:14
      • They do not have a physical body (though they have, on occasion temporarily taken a physical body)
    • They do not all have wings. Only the cherubim and seraphim
    • There’s no indication that they age.
    • They are created but they exist for all eternity
    • They are terrifyingly powerful beings1.
      • e.g. In Genesis 3, angels guard Eden with flaming swords
      • Exodus 14 says an angel held the entire army of Pharaoh at bay
      • In Revelation, the angels battle with the dragon and overcome it.
    • Angels are creatures created by God.
      • Not spiritually evolved humans.
      • The bible shows no indication whatsoever that humans have or ever will become angels.
    • 1 Corinthians 6:3: we humans will judge the angels
    • God sent His only Son to die for humans, not for angels.
    • Blaise Pascal: We are the scum and the glory of the universe.
      • He’s referring to how we are sinners in the sight of God, and yet God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die in our place.
    • 1 Peter 1:12 : the angels desire to know the plans of God
    • Hebrews 1:14 : the angels are ministering (serving) spirits sent out to do service for those who will be saved.
  • Takeaways:
    • We should have a biblical-only view of angels. Not the false view from our secular culture.
    • We should never allow angels to replace God.
      • For many people, an angel is preferable to God. We want a guardian angel, but are uninterested in God.
        • We want a personal guardian angel who is out our beck and call.
        • This preference for angels is an offense to God: Exodus 20:3-6.
          • We are told to have no other gods before Him.
    • We must never worship angels:
      • Colossians 2:18-19 : Paul taught not to worship angels.
      • Revelation 19:9-10 : John worshipped an angel, yet the angel refused him and told John to direct his worship to God.
      • We were never told to pray to angels.
  • In our text we see some ways that angels are ministers:
    • Psalm 34:7: God’s angel protects and delivers those who fear God.
    • Are there examples of angels serving in the bible? Yes:
      • In Daniel 3, the men refused to worship an idol. They were condemned to death but an angel saved them.
      • In Daniel 6, Daniel was thrown into the Lion’s den but God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions.
      • Acts 12:5-7 : God sent an angel to bust Paul out of prison.
      • Elisha and his servant were also delivered thanks to angels.
      • Psalm 91:11:
      • Angels also give guidance and messages from God.
        • The word angel in Hebrew actually means messenger. They deliver messages from God.
        • Genesis 16:7-9: God sent a message to Hagar
        • Genesis 19:16-19 God sent angels to Lot in Sodom, to warn them of the coming danger
        • The angels sent the message that God would send the judge Samson in Judges 13.
        • Angels appeared many times with many messages in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
          • the angels even ministered to Jesus when he was recovering from his temptation in the dessert. (Matthew 4).
        • both Stephen and Paul say that the word was given to us by the ministry of angels.
      • Angels also provide comfort, strength, and encouragement
      • Angels also serve as God’s ministers of judgment:
        • God used angels to scatter the people of Israel, Babylon, Nineveh
        • to kill the first born in Egypt
        • Acts 12 shows us that an angel smote Herod with worms
      • The angels derive their power and authority from God.
        • Apart from God they can do nothing.
  • In Psalm 103:
    • God commands the angels to worship Him.


  • When we learn about angels in the bible then we learn far more about God.
    • It teaches us that God is actively involved in this world.
      • God did not make this world and leave it and forget it
      • Colossians 1:17 God holds all things together. The world could continue without, but it could not go on without God.
    • He is to be worshipped by all men and all angels.
      • Many people do not bless the LORD, nor worship God.
      • We cannot worship God without the work of Christ.

Further Study

💬Discussion Questions



  1. Despite this, cherubim are depicted as flying babies in our culture. 🤦🏼‍♂️