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📖Bible Passage

2 Corinthians 12:7-9

By reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted excessively, a thorn in the flesh was given to me: a messenger of Satan to torment me, that I should not be exalted excessively. Concerning this thing, I begged the Lord three times that it might depart from me. He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest on me.


  • Paul was not some “super” human being.
    • He had the same struggles that we all have.
      • He was a good man, but he was only a man.
      • He was a saint, which means he was also a redeemed sinner.
    • And the same Holy Spirit that is in him, is in all believers.
    • Let us esteem Paul as our brother, and fellow companion.
    • Paul is one of many in the “cloud of witnesses”.
      • Let us run as they ran.
    • It is easy for us Christians to revere Paul even to the point of practically deifying him. We must never do this.
      • Likewise we must never do this for any current day Christian, or anyone other than Christ Himself.
  • What are some dangers we can face in our lives?
    • By reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted excessively
    • Paul was concerned that he would be exalted excessively
      • Note: he is not concerned that he is exalted at all. He does not view exalting someone as inherently bad.
      • The problem comes when we exalt someone more than they deserve.
  • Why is it dangerous for a Christian to be exalted above measure?
    • Allison: Devout exaltation, leads to self-exaltation (i.e. pride).
      • In other words, if we are regularly and overly praised, then we are at risk of becoming arrogant and puffed up with vanity.
    • Paul knew much and yet he also knew that he knew but a little. (An example of humility)
    • ❓: If Paul was in danger of arrogance, how much more are you and I in danger of it?
    • Most people like to be praised and flattered.
      • We should be wary of great praise.
        • Why? Because we should recognize in ourselves, we have a tendency toward pride.
        • Pride is a great danger to everyone.
      • We must rejoice in spiritual success, but we must be on guard from pride.
        • (It would be ungrateful for us not to rejoice in spiritual success).
        • Among the flowers of gratitude will grow the hemlock of pride.
          • Be careful that your gratitude does not grow into pride.
          • The bounties of God’s sovereign grace become prostituted when we become proud of them.
          • Isaiah 42:8: God says “I will not give my glory to another”.
          • Self-exaltation is a poison in the Church.
  • If Paul had become “exalted above measure” then he might have become a rival rather than a servant of Christ.
    • Proud preachers do not win souls. They do not win men’s hearts.
    • He who exalts himself, does not exalt the Savior.
    • Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction
  • How do we prevent pride?
    • a thorn in the flesh was given to me: a messenger of Satan to torment me, that I should not be exalted excessively.
      • a thorn in the flesh was given to me:
        • Paul says given, not inflicted
          • Paul considers this thorn in the flesh to be a gift not a curse.
        • Perhaps Paul did not consider this thorn to be a gift at first. But he did later.
          • Likewise, your trials, tribulations and infirmities are blessings from God.
          • And you and I should view our troubles as gifts from God.
      • a messenger of Satan:
  • What was the thorn in the flesh?
    • We don’t know. It doesn’t say.
    • It was most likely something in his body. It was in the flesh.
    • It was “a messenger of Satan”:
      • Not Satan himself, but some servant of Satan.
    • The purpose was “to torment”, or to buffet Paul
      • The Greek word here means to beat
    • This thorn made Paul feel weak and imperfect.
    • This thorn made Paul rely on Christ and call upon Him.
    • The lesson we should learn from this:
      • Even the messenger of Satan may be used by God for our benefit and for God’s glory.
    • We also should not be jealous of Paul’s accomplishments.
      • For each of his accomplishments, we ought to remember he also had thorns and tribulations.
  • How did Paul react to this thorn in the flesh?
    • It compelled Paul to cry out to God repeatedly.
      • Concerning this thing, I begged the Lord three times that it might depart from me.2 Corinthians 12:8
    • We may be laxed in prayer, when everything goes smoothly, but we pray a lot when things are going poorly.
  • How did God respond to Paul?
    • He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest on me.2 Corinthians 12:9
    • God hears and answers all our prayers.
      • We may say that God is not answering our prayers. This is not true. What’s really happening, is that He is not answering it the way that we would like Him to answer our prayer.
  • If you experience great troubles, don’t resent God.
    • Rather rejoice that God is glorified in whatever manner He deems fit.
    • (This doesn’t mean don’t trust in God. It doesn’t mean stop praying and asking God for blessings and deliverance. Rather it means to trust Him all the more.)
    • Be content with whatever you have.
      • Whether you have great wealth or great poverty.
      • Whether you have a thorn or no thorn.
    • Remember that even the thorn from God is a blessing.
  • How was Paul affected by this event throughout his life?
    • Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest on me.
    • This moment produced a deep humility and gratefulness in Paul, throughout his life.
  • Make sure that you learn from and benefit from the thorns in your life
    • We can all understand drinking bitter medicine, if it means we get well.
    • But why drink bitter wormwood and gall if it does not bring healing and life.
    • Likewise, why bear the thorns of this world and suffer for no reason.
      • Do you not see how it should drive you to humility?
  • There is only one thorn you should fear: the thorn of unforgiven sins
    • Trust in Jesus.

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