💡Big Idea
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📖Bible Passage
Let Yahweh’s glory endure forever. Let Yahweh rejoice in his works.
- Psalm 104 not only commands us to worship God, it also gives us reasons to worship Him.
- It begins at the highest level, from the throne of God,
- and it goes down to the depths of the sea.
- It is similar to Daniel 7 or Isaiah 66.
- This is a vast illustration, but it is only an illustration of the infinite vastness of God’s glory.
- God’s glory stands outside creation. He is beyond, and not contained by creation.
- What is glory?
- The Hebrew word translated glory means weight.
- It is the idea of being in awe of God and seeing Him for who He is.
- His glory is revealed in all that He has made, in all that He has done, and spoken and in who He is.
- The Hebrew word translated glory means weight.
- The glory of God is eternal.
- “Let Yahweh’s glory endure forever.”
- It will never cease.
- It does not and it never will diminish.
- Man’s glory fades and will pass away as we age and die. Not so with God.
- Where do we see the glory of God?
- Psalm 19:1: The Heavens declare the glory of God.
- Proverbs 25:2: It is the glory of God to conceal a matter.
- The heavens, the universe, is so vast that it is concealed and beyond our comprehension and even our ability to perceive.
- It’s not only in space that we see the glory of God.
- We even see the glory of God in the structure of DNA, in the humble ladybug, in magnificent organisms.
- Where do we most see the glory of God? In the person and work of Jesus Christ.
- John 1:14: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory.
- John 1:10
- Colossians 1:17 In all things He has the preeminence
- Psalm 24 describes the glory of Jesus’s ascension.
- 1 Corinthians 2:8: Jesus is the Lord of glory
- James 2:1: Jesus is the Lord of glory
- 2 Corinthians 4:6
- Nowhere do we see the glory of Christ more than in the cross of Christ. If you reject the cross, then you reject God’s glory.
- Let us guard our hearts and our minds from small views of God.
- Exodus 33:18-23: God showed His glory, (just the back of it) to Moses.
- How can we reflect the glory of God?
- We can live by repentance, and faith.
- The only way that we can reflect the glory of God is to come to Him in repentance and say “Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.”
- Delight to live constantly in His glory
- 1 Corinthians 10:31
- We should thank God for our meals, food, clothing, shelter and all the many things He gives us and in all these things we are living to the glory of God.
- soli deo glory: To God alone be the glory.
- ❓: Ask yourself, am I glorifying God:
- in my speech
- in the things I watch
- in the company I keep
- in the things I do?
- God demonstrates His glory in His delays.
- Jesus, on the way to see Lazarus, delayed on purpose so that He would be glorified. Lazarus died, and 4 days later, Jesus raised him from the dead and was glorified.
- ❓: Are you and I willing to patiently wait for God? Do we glorify Him in our waiting, or do we curse Him for not giving us what we want when we want it?
- We can live by repentance, and faith.
Further Study
💬Discussion Questions
- ❓: Ask yourself, am I glorifying God:
- in my speech
- in the things I watch
- in the company I keep
- in the things I do?