
Is Horeb the same thing as Sinai?

It is generally agreed upon that Sinai in the bible is referring to the same place as Horeb. For evidence see Horeb

Name Meaning

Other Names

“mountain of God”

Horeb is called “mountain of God” in Exodus 3.1. Mountain of God is also mentioned in:


Here is evidence that Horeb and Sinai are probably the same thing:

  • In Acts 7.30 Moses is described as seeing Yahweh in the burning bush, at Mount Sinai yet Exodus 3.1 describes Moses seeing the burning bush at Horeb. Which makes me think that Horeb might be another name for Sinai.
  • Exodus 3.12: God says that you (the people of Israel) shall worship God at this mountain (Horeb). God fulfills this when He takes them to Sinai and they worship Him at Sinai.
  • Exodus describes God giving the Ten Commandments to Moses at Mount Sinai, while Deuteronomy describes the same event as happening at Mount Horeb.

Notable Occurances

First Occurexnce