Entering Multiple Recordings on a Single Work
- As far as I can tell this is not possible on the bulk registration tool. It is possible with the Individual Registration Tool however.
- WORKAROUND: We can bulk register songs. Then we can add more recordings using the Matching Tool.
Entering Multiple Writers on a Single Work
A work title may only appear once per bulk work document.
This means that if a work has multiple writers, they will need to be formatted following the steps below:
- Select a row and completely fill in all necessary columns, including the first writer’s information.
- Move to the line below, leave columns A-F blank, and enter the second writer’s information starting in column G.
- Continuing adding writers on rows below each other until all writers are entered.
For example:
The work title is entered in cell A2, and the first writer’s information is entered in cells G2-J2. Information for the second writer on that same work begins on the row below below, beginning with cell G3. Columns A3-AF are left blank.