- JobScan analyzed a million job applications to learn what strategies lead to the best results
- The biggest determining factor for getting interviews
- Resumes that include the job title that you are applying for
- 3.5x more likely to get an interview
- What do you do if the job you’re applying for is the same role, but different name?
- Use the job title for the job that you are applying for. It is okay to do this if the role is essentially the same
- Applications with a cover letter got an interview 1.9x more likely to be invited for an interview
- LinkedIn: Job seekers who used JobScan’s LinkedIn optimization tool had 1.5x improved results
- Surveys: ~90% of recruiters use LinkedIn to either find or vet applicants
- Degrees:
- Job seekers with a grad degree (masters or higher) were 2.5x more likely to get an interview
- Concern: some worry that a grad year will make you appear older and lead to ageism discrimination
- What if I don’t have a degree?
- Try getting certifications.
- Certifications:
- You’re 2.9x more likely to get an interview if you have a professional certification
- Certifications are faster, cheaper and sometimes even free.
- Summary:
- include job title in resume
- include cover letter with application
- optimize LinkedIn profile
- Include degrees and certifications on resumes