Speaker: Becky Farone URL: https://hireready.heysummit.com/talks/networking-workshop/

  • Networking is really helpful

  • Why networking matters (and why it’s actually exciting)

    • You often feel like you don’t have much choice, control, connection, creativity, trust, growth
    • Networking helps with all of these.
    • Trust: Networking allows others to establish trust for you
      • They vouch for you
  • Your networking superpower is authenticity:

    • the more you try to be someone else, you end up in the wrong job
  • Design thinking

    • A problem solving methodology from the design
    • Similar to PDCA: (plan, do, check, act)
    • Similar to Agile
    • Step 1: Empathize:
      • Understanding others and yourself
      • Who are you?
        • Present. Past. Future.
      • What is important to you now in your work/career?
      • What does your community care about?
      • What do you stand for? (values)
      • Who are you? How can you best explain that to your network?
      • What type of networking suits you best?
    • Step 2: Define
      • Clarify your networking targets?
      • What type of people will you connect with?
      • Who do you know in each type, or category?
      • What are you asking for?
      • Why do you think this type of person can help?
      • The Career Networking Persona Organizer
    • Step 3: ideate
      • Ask yourself Who might I know
    • Step 4: Prototype
      • Experiment
      • Start with people who are friendly with you
      • Just DO it.
      • Track results - what worked? What didn’t?
    • Step 5: Test and Repeat
      • make it a daily habit
      • keep track of your progress
      • check and adjust
      • keep your network alive
      • be of service to others
  • What to ask for?

    • Make it easy for someone to say yes.
      • Offer scheduling times
        • try using Calendly or similar tools.
    • Make it genuine
    • Ideas of what to ask for:
      • An update, a thank you, an intro request, an appreciation, an offering, ask if you can take them out for coffee or beer
  • Introverted? Try this:

    • Ask someone you know if they can introduce you to someone you don’t know
  • Overcoming networking challenges:

    • Nervous?
      • focus on where is the joy? What’s in it for you.
    • Made a mistake?
      • focus on what did you learn?
    • Procrastinating?
      • focus on what will you gain if you do reach out.