RevenueCat is a third-party solutions provider designed to make it easier for apps to generate revenue.
- In their own words: What is RevenueCat?
Why use RevenueCat
- StoreKit vs RevenueCat
- Implementing In-App Purchases: StoreKit vs RevenueCat - YouTube: This 2021 video compares RevenueCat vs. Apple’s built-in solution
Getting Started
- Backend driven paywalls YouTube Charlie Chapman
- Building a backend-driven paywall with RevenueCat – Donny Wals
🙀 Gotchas
- Quote from “App Subscription Launch Checklist | In-App Subscriptions Made Easy – RevenueCat”
If you’re setting your own App User Id, any active subscriptions should be automatically restored when you log-in.\nIf you’re using RevenueCat generated App User IDs on iOS, you won’t be able to restore purchases after an uninstall in sandbox until you make another purchase.