See Also


tweens in Godot Allows for smooth interpolation of properties over time

Physics-based Animation

Godot’s physics engine can be used for animation:

  • RigidBody: For physics-based animations and interactions.
  • Skeleton IK: For inverse kinematics in 3D animations.

Particle Systems

For animating large numbers of small elements:

  • GPUParticles2D/3D: For creating particle effects in 2D and 3D.
  • CPUParticles2D/3D: CPU-based alternative to GPU particles.

Shader-based Animation

Custom shaders can be used for complex visual animations:

  • ShaderMaterial: Allows for creating custom shader-based animations.

Visual Shader Animations

  • VisualShader: Allows for creating shader-based animations without writing code.

Root Motion

For 3D character animations:

  • Root motion techniques can be used with AnimationTree for precise character movement.

The Animation System

The core animation system in Godot includes:

  • AnimationPlayer: The primary node for creating and managing keyframe animations.
  • Animation Tracks: Components within AnimationPlayer that define specific properties being animated over time.
  • AnimationTree: An advanced node for complex animation blending and state management, working in conjunction with AnimationPlayer.