
Deep Dives


In this section we’ll talk about what is “in front” and what is “behind”.

Each subsequent drawing operation inside of _draw() is layered on top of the previous ones. For example:

func _draw():
    draw_rect(Rect2(100, 100, 100, 100), Color.RED)
    draw_rect(Rect2(100, 100, 100, 100), Color.BLUE)

In this case, the blue rectangle will be drawn on top of the red rectangle, effectively covering it completely.

If you need more control over the drawing order, you can:

  1. Organize your drawing commands within the _draw() function to achieve the desired layering.
  2. Use multiple nodes with different z-index values for more complex layering scenarios.
  3. Utilize CanvasLayer nodes for managing different rendering layers in your scene