
Swift supports Language-level concurrency in Swift, however, it is still early days and inevitably you will encounter prior paradigms of concurrency in Swift. You will need to understand these prior paradigms and how to interoperate between them. has a fantastic series1 that is a deep-dive on the past, present, and future of concurrency in Swift.

Past: Threads

Episode #190: Concurrency’s Past: Threads

Present: Queues

Calling Queues the present is a bit relative. We are currently in the middle of a transition so language-level concurrency is becoming the new present. Episode #191: Concurrency’s Present: Queues and Combine

Future: Language-level concurrency in Swift

Tasks and Cooperation

Episode #192: Concurrency’s Future: Tasks and Cooperation

Sendable and Actors

Episode #193: Concurrency’s Future: Sendable and Actors

Structured and Unstructured

Episode #194: Concurrency’s Future: Structured and Unstructured

Cheat Sheet

Helpful Resources



  1. Note: Pointfree’s content is behind a paywall, so out of respect to them, I’ll only be posting my personal notes, and will try not to give away everything that is in their paid episodes. That being said index is phenomenal and is worth the cost. If you would like to try it and get a month for free (as well as help me out with a free month) then please check out this link.

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