See: Meet Swift Regex WWDC22

Swift Regex literal are compatible with Python, Perl and many others.

// Regex literals
let digits = /\d+/
// digits: Regex<Substring>

Syntax for Regex literals

Each language has its own “flavor” for (literal) regex syntax.

The Swift implementation is closely related to ICU (see ICU documentation).

  • Swift Regex literals start and end with /
  • Strongly typed capturing groups
    • literals infer the strong types for all the internal captures

Extended Delimiters


When using extended delimiters:

  • slashes do not need to be escaped
  • allows non-semantic whitespaces:
    • whitespace is ignored
  • below date is a named capture
let regex = #/
	(?‹date>         \d{2} / \d{2}/ \d{4)
	(?<middle>       \P{currencySymbol}+)
	(?‹currency>     \p{currencySymbol})
// Regex<(Substring, date: Substring, middle: Substring, currency: Substring)>