See: swift-evolution/proposals/ at main · swiftlang/swift-evolution · GitHub
Function | Description |
contains(_:) -> Bool | Returns whether the collection contains the given sequence or RegexComponent |
starts(with:) -> Bool | Returns whether the collection contains the same prefix as the specified RegexComponent |
trimPrefix(_:) | Removes the prefix if it matches the given RegexComponent or collection |
firstRange(of:) -> Range? | Finds the range of the first occurrence of a given sequence or RegexComponent |
ranges(of:) -> some Collection<Range> | Finds the ranges of the all occurrences of a given sequence or RegexComponent within the collection |
replacing(:with:subrange:maxReplacements) | Replaces all occurrences of the sequence matching the given RegexComponent or sequence with a given collection |
split(by:) | Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection around elements equal to the given separator |
firstMatch(of:) | Returns the first match of the specified RegexComponent within the collection |
wholeMatch(of:) | Matches the specified RegexComponent in the collection as a whole |
prefixMatch(of:) | Matches the specified RegexComponent against the collection at the beginning |
matches(of:) | Returns a collection containing all matches of the specified |
Deep Dives
Find and replace