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What is Serverless
it means you don’t have to manage the server
it scales with usage
Built-in availability and fault tolerance
pay for the value
pay only for what you use.
AWS Lambda is a serverless solution provided by Amazon AWS
02:56 lambda functions can be called with a REST API gateway, GraphQL, Database change, message queue, schedule or many other things.
How to set up a lambda function
How to deploy
You can deploy through the online console
It’s better to deploy using AWS CLI
IAC: Infrastructure as Code
SAM: Serverless Application Model: 06:02
yaml file description of your infrastructure
sam deploy
CLI command
How much does it cost
Almost free to develop and test
charged by ms of CPU time
price per million requests
generous free tier
Deploy an Existing Web App on Lambda
Lambda runs on EC2 virtual machines
Vapor and Hummingbird provide a library that adapts your web app code to lambda
But today I will be demonstrating a solution that is more generic that can be applied to any type of web app (Express, Java etc.)
To use this you must add 3 or 4 pieces
Must add an API gateway
lambda extension can intercept a lambda function call and convert it into an HTTP request that your web app can understand
Your web app must be put in a docker container
You only need to add one line to your docker file:
COPY /lambda-adapter jopt/extensions/lambda-adapter
This doesn’t require any code change at all
Write a SAM template
You provide:
the web app
the docker container
the SAM template yaml
SAM will generate:
the API gateway
the AWS lambda function adapter around your web app
see repo:
How to write Lambda functions in Swift
AWS Lambda Custom Runtime:
Using swift-aws-lambda-runtime
add dependency: swift-aws-lambda-events:
provides various event triggers
Note : the code in these slides could change. They are not API stable yet.
How to build and package?
swift package --disable-sandbox archive
it will create a docker container with the swift runtime for amazon linux. compiles your code to a binary and create a zip file ready to deploy on lambda
How do you deploy the zip file? 22:09
You need to deploy more than just the zip file. you need the api gateway and other things
There are 2 plugins that can deploy to lambda:
developed by sebastien stormacq
swift package --disable-sandbox deploy
Swift replacement for SAM
VS Code extension for Lambda Swift