Syntax for incoming links:

FROM [[#]]


Making Queries

DQL - DataView Query Language

A DQL Query consists of several parts:

  • Exactly one Query Type that determines what your Query Output looks like
  • None or one FROM statement to pick a specific tag or folder (or another source) to look at
  • None to multiple other Data Commands that help you filter, group and sort your wanted output

For example, a Query can look like this:

```dataview LIST ```

which list all files in your vault.

Everything but the Query Type is optional

The only thing you need for a valid DQL Query is the Query Type (and on CALENDARs, a date field.)

A more restricted Query might look like this:

```dataview LIST FROM #poems WHERE author = "Edgar Allan Poe" ```

which lists all files in your vault that have the tag #poems and a field named author with the value Edgar Allan Poe. This query would find our example page from above