Easy Deep Copy Cloning in Swift

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Easy Deep Copy Cloning in Swift

In most programming languages, there is some concept of value and reference types. In Swift, we prefer to use value types and value semantics whenever possible. This is because value types are easier to reason about since they cannot be mutated by other parts of the code.1 However there are some times when we must use reference types. Is there a way to get our reference types to behave like value types? Yes, there is.

Value Semantics vs. Reference Semantics

Remember that value semantics means that when you copy a value, you get a new copy of the value. This is in contrast to reference semantics where when you copy a reference, you get a new reference to the same object.

struct ValueType {
    var int: Int
class ReferenceType {
    var int: Int
    init(int: Int) {
        self.int = int
var value1 = ValueType(value: 1)
var value2 = value1
value2.int = 2
print(value1.int) // 1
print(value2.int) // 2

var reference1 = ReferenceType(value: 1)
var reference2 = reference1
reference2.int = 2
print(reference1.int) // 2
print(reference2.int) // 2

As you can see, when we copy a value type, we get a new copy of the value. When we copy a reference type, we get a new reference to the same object. Therefore, if we change the value of the reference type, it will change the value of the original reference type as well. But if we change the value of the value type, only that value will change.

But one of the cool things about reference types is that we can force them to behave like value types, by copying their values instead of their reference. When a reference type behaves like a value type we call this value semantics. Swift regularly does this through a strategy called copy-on-write2, but let’s look at another way to accomplish this.

Cloning A Reference Type

Another way to force a reference type to behave like a value type is to clone it. Notice I said clone and not copy. When you clone a reference type, you are creating a new instance of the reference type that just happens to have the same values as the original instance. This way, you can change the values of the cloned reference instance without affecting the original reference instance.

var reference1 = ReferenceType(int: 1)
var reference2 = ReferenceType(int: reference1.int)
reference2.int = 2
print(reference1.int) // 1
print(reference2.int) // 2

Here we created an entirely new instance of ReferenceType and copied the value of reference1 into reference2. Now, when we change the value of reference2, it will not affect reference1. This strategy is useful but can be quite cumbersome if we have many values. Let’s enforce this behavior through a new protocol named Cloneable.

protocol Cloneable {
    init(cloning original: Self)
    func clone() -> Self
extension Cloneable {
    func clone() -> Self {
        return Self(cloning: self)
var reference = ReferenceType(int: 1)
var referenceCopy = reference
var referenceClone = reference.clone()
reference.int = 2
print(reference.int) // 2
print(referenceCopy.int) // 2
print(referenceClone.int) // 1

Now, we can enforce value semantics on our reference type by making it conform to the Cloneable protocol. This way, we can guarantee that when we clone the reference type, we get a new instance of it with the same values.

extension ReferenceType: Cloneable {
    required init(cloning original: ReferenceType) {
        self.int = original.int

And what’s extra nice is that the clone() method is now generated for us automatically.

var reference = ReferenceType(int: 1)
var referenceClone = reference.clone()

Unfortunately this is a little extra work to maintain. If our ReferenceType ever changes we must remember to update the Cloneable protocol implementation as well. Thankfully, the compiler has our back and should warn us in most cases. If we rename, or add or remove a property, the compiler will show an error that the initializer is not valid. 👍🏼

Deep Copy vs. Shallow Copy

It is important to note that the problem is a little more complex than it seems. When we clone a reference type, we can either do a deep copy or a shallow copy. A shallow copy only copies the top-level properties of the reference type. A deep copy copies all the properties of the reference type, including any reference types it contains. In order to do a true clone, we must do a deep copy. If we merely had a shallow copy, we would still be pointing to references from the original instance, which would still lead to surprising side effects. For example, let’s say we added a ReferenceType property to our ReferenceType:

class ReferenceType: Cloneable {
    var int: Int
    var anotherReference: AnotherReferenceType
    init(int: Int, otherRef: AnotherReferenceType) {
        self.int = int
        self.anotherReference = otherRef

    required init(cloning original: ReferenceType) {
        self.int = original.int
        self.anotherReference = original.anotherReference
class AnotherReferenceType {
    var string: String
    init(string: String) {
        self.string = string
var reference = ReferenceType(int: 1, otherRef: AnotherReferenceType(string: "Hello"))
var referenceClone = reference.clone()
reference.anotherReference.string = "Goodbye"
print(reference.anotherReference.string) // Goodbye
print(referenceClone.anotherReference.string) // Goodbye

Why did this happen? Because the implementation of Cloneable was incorrect. It only did a shallow copy. We copied every property on ReferenceType. The int property is a value type, so when we copied it we created an entirely new instance of the Int. But the anotherReference property is a reference type. When we copied it, we only copied the reference to the AnotherReferenceType instance. We didn’t create a new instance of AnotherReferenceType. So when we changed the string property of anotherReference on the reference instance, it also changed on the referenceClone instance. In other words, we didn’t do a deep copy. We only did a shallow copy. Let’s correct this:

class ReferenceType: Cloneable {
    var int: Int
    var anotherReference: AnotherReferenceType
    required init(cloning original: ReferenceType) {
        self.int = original.int
        self.anotherReference = original.anotherReference.clone()
    // ...
class AnotherReferenceType: Cloneable {
    var string: String
    required init(cloning original: AnotherReferenceType) {
        self.string = original.string
    // ...

Now, when we clone the ReferenceType, we also clone the AnotherReferenceType instance. This way, when we change the string property of anotherReference on the reference instance, it will not change on the referenceClone instance.

var reference = ReferenceType(int: 1, otherRef: AnotherReferenceType(string: "Hello"))
var referenceClone = reference.clone()
reference.anotherReference.string = "Goodbye"
print(reference.anotherReference.string) // Goodbye
print(referenceClone.anotherReference.string) // Hello

Deep Copy Clones For Free Using Codable

By now, you should realize that deep copying can be quite complex. We must remember to clone every property of the reference type, including any reference types it contains, and any reference types they contain, and so on. This can be quite cumbersome and error prone. But there is a way to get deep copy clones for free! If our reference type is Codable, we can get deep copy clones for free. This is because when an instance is encoded and decoded, an entirely new instance is created.

extension Cloneable where Self: Codable {
    func cloneUsingCodable() -> Self? {
        guard let data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(self) else {
            return nil
        return try? JSONDecoder().decode(Self.self, from: data)
extension ReferenceType: Codable {}
extension AnotherReferenceType: Codable {}

Remember that when every property of a type is Codable, then Swift can automatically synthesize the Codable conformance for that type. This is why we don’t need to implement the Codable protocol for ReferenceType and AnotherReferenceType. Now that both ReferenceType and AnotherReferenceType are Codable, we can get deep copy clones for free using the cloneUsingCodable() method.

But there is a slight catch. As you can see, cloneUsingCodable() returns an Optional. This is because encoding and decoding can fail. So we must first unwrap the optional before using the cloned instance.

In all likelihood, it is probably completely safe to force unwrap the optional. This is because the value was already a valid instance of the type or else you wouldn’t be able to call cloneUsingCodable(). So as long as your Encodable and Decodable implementations are correct, you should be fine. And if those implementations were auto-synthesized by Swift, then you should be very confident that they are correct.

let reference = ReferenceType(int: 1, otherRef: AnotherReferenceType(string: "Hello"))
if let referenceClone = reference.cloneUsingCodable() {
    reference.anotherReference.string = "Goodbye"
    print(reference.anotherReference.string) // Goodbye
    print(referenceClone.anotherReference.string) // Hello

Now, when we change the string property of anotherReference on the reference instance, it will not change on the referenceClone instance. This is because we are now doing a deep copy clone using the Codable protocol.


There you have it! Simple, automatic, and free deep copy clones using the Cloneable and Codable protocols. If you’d like to try this approach then take it for a spin by cloning3 my Cloneable repository on GitHub here. (It’s also available as a SPM package.) And if you like it, please star it and share it with your friends!

Further Reading

  1. To be clear, value types are not better or worse than reference types. They both have very valid use cases. ↩︎

  2. For example, Swift uses copy-on-write for Array, String, and Dictionary. In practice, these types behave like value types because they are copy-on-write, but under the hood, they are actually reference types. ↩︎

  3. Ahem. Git cloning that is. 😄 I couldn’t resist. ↩︎