Swift 6's New @retroactive Attribute

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Swift 6’s New @retroactive Attribute

Swift 6.0 introduced the @retroactive attribute to address a specific issue with protocol conformances. Here’s what you need to know:

The Problem

Suppose you are using a type from an external library and realize that the type does not conform to a protocol such as Codable. You might be tempted to add your own conformance.

import ExternalLibrary
extension ExternalType: Codable {
    // implementation here

However, doing this can be quite problematic. What happens if the library owner later adds their own conformance? Which code will execute? Your conformance or their conformance? The answer is that the behavior will be undefined at runtime, since we don’t know which conformance will “win”. Even worse, this same problem will propagate to every library that imports your library.1

Introducing @retroactive

To combat this problem, Swift 6.0 now emits a warning any time you retroactively add a conformance to an external type. However, there are some scenarios where it might be best to extend external types, despite this risk.

So, the @retroactive attribute allows you to explicitly declare that you are intentionally adding a conformance that might conflict with future updates to the original module.

When to Use It

⚠️ You probably shouldn’t use @retroactive. Consider it a code smell.

If you must use it, then be sure to check every time you update your dependency to a new version. If they have added the conformance themselves, then this will create a conflict.

If you use @retroactive, you are, in fact, explicitly declaring that you acknowledge the risk and are willing to take responsibility for potential future conflicts.

How to Use It

import ExternalModule
extension ExternalType: @retroactive ExternalProtocol {
    // Implementation here

Alternative (for pre-Swift 6)

If you need to support older Swift language modes, you can silence the warning by fully qualifying the types:

extension Module.ExternalType: OtherModule.ExternalProtocol {
    // Implementation here


Remember, while @retroactive provides a solution, it’s best to avoid adding conformances to external types and protocols whenever possible to maintain better compatibility and reduce potential conflicts.

  1. There are a few exceptions to the this which you can find here and here↩︎