
The Laws of Creativity


The Laws

The Law of Competition

Measure Against Yourself

Do not compare yourself to others, but rather compare today’s you to yesterday’s. Strive to be incrementally better and you will reach new heights, untethered by the unreasonable expectations derived from comparisons to an infinite supply of others.

Ch. 6 of The Laws of Creativity by Joey Cofone

The Law of Ideation

Sketch It Out

Take your idea and make it real, no matter how rough. The final step is only attainable by taking the first step. Once you have something to look at and adjust, you can begin the journey towards completion.

Ch. 13 of The Laws of Creativity by Joey Cofone

Creativity is not Magic


Nearly every time I told someone I was working on this book, they said something to the effect of, “Are you going to teach us the magic?” The answer is a resounding no. Not because I can’t teach creativity, but because it isn’t magic.

Notable Quotables

The Myth that Success Must Come at a Young Age


Society inundates us with stories of young achievement. People love the idea of quick success, and the very few who are independently successful at an early age are hoisted up above the rest. Oftentimes they’re even presented as the norm, suggesting that if you haven’t found massive success by the time you’re in your late twenties, then you’re a failure.