Hello Godotneers! Every game revolves around data. Your game may have items, unit types, crafting recipes, dialogue, quests and a lot more. Handling all this…
My Notes
00:00 Introduction
This video focuses on how to make data models in Godot more composable and reusable.
01:18 A database of items
05:04 This is a data model . It just hold data.
It is not concerned with how the data is shown or used.
05:21 : Using a Dictionary as a database of items.
class_name Items
const Database = {
"pickaxe" : {
"name" : "Pickaxe"
extends Node3D
func _on_area_3d_body_entered (body):
if body. has_method ( "on_item_picked_up" ):
body. on_item_picked_up ( "pickaxe" ) # problem: this pickaxe ID is hard coded, so this code only works for pickaxes.
queue_free () # make the pickaxe disappear on the world because the character picked it up
func on_item_picked_up (item_id: String ):
print ( "I got a " , Items .Database[item_id].name)
extends Node3D
@export var item_id: String
func _on_area_3d_body_entered (body):
if body. has_method ( "on_item_picked_up" ):
body. on_item_picked_up (item_id)
queue_free ()
How do we tell our pickup object which 3D model to display in the world?
class_name Items
const Database = {
"pickaxe" : {
"name" : "Pickaxe" ,
"scene" : "res://elements/pickaxe/pickaxe.glb" # tip: you can drag in your 3D asset and Godot will input the string for the path
10:44 :
extends Node3D
@export var item_id: String
func _ready ():
var scene = load ( Items .Database[item_id].scene)
var instance = scene. instantiate ()
# now the scene is loaded at runtime in code
# so we don't need it in the Scene tree in the Godot editor
add_child (instance)
func _on_area_3d_body_entered (body):
if body. has_method ( "on_item_picked_up" ):
body. on_item_picked_up (item_id)
queue_free ()
class_name Items
const Database = {
"pickaxe" : {
"name" : "Pickaxe" ,
"scene" : "res://elements/pickaxe/pickaxe.glb" # tip: you can drag in your 3D asset and Godot will input the string for the path
"sword" : {
"name" : "Sword" ,
"scene" : "res://elements/sword/sword.glb"
13:15 : cons of this approach :
typos. These are all strings
Hardcoded scene paths.
Hard to maintain this dictionary as it gets larger.
14:09 Using resources for game data
Godot has a built in feature for modeling static data sources called Resource .
You can also create custom Resources.
class_name Item extends Resource
@export var name: String
@export var scene: PackedScene # this is better than using a String
15:43 : In the FileSystem you can add a Resource by right-clicking a folder and choosing Create New Resource .
16:55 :
extends Node3D
@export var item: Item
func _ready ():
var instance = item.scene. instantiate ()
add_child (instance)
func _on_area_3d_body_entered (body):
if body. has_method ( "on_item_picked_up" ):
body. on_item_picked_up (item)
queue_free ()
18:03 :
func on_item_picked_up (item: Item ):
print ( "I got a " , Items .Database[item].name)
20:16 Building an inventory dialog
20:43 : What should we extend?
Could be a Nodes in Godot|Node but we don’t need any Node functionality.
We just need a simple object, which is RefCounted
. But this is the default anyway, so we can leave it out.
class_name Inventory
var _content: Array [ Item ] = []
func add_item (item: Item ):
_content. append (item)
func remove_item (item: Item ):
_content. erase (item)
func get_items () -> Array [ Item ]:
return _content
22:25 :
class_name Player extends CharacterBody3D
# ...
var inventory := Inventory . new ()
func on_item_picked_up (item: Item ):
inventory. add_item (item)
23:00 : inventory_dialog.tscn
26:20 :
class_name InventoryDialog extends PanelContainer
@export var slot_scene: PackedScene
@onready var grid_container: GridContainer = % GridContainer
func open (inventory: Inventory ):
show ()
for item in inventory. get_items ():
var slot = slot_scene. instantiate ()
grid_container. add_child (slot)
func _on_close_button_pressed ():
self . hide ()
30:48 :
class_name Item extends Resource
@export var name: String
@export var scene: PackedScene
@export var icon: Texture2D # NEW
31:29 : InventoryDialog should show the item slots, but it should be unaware of item slot’s child components, so lets create a ItemSlot
class to handle this
31:26 :
class_name ItemSlot extends PanelContainer
@onready var texture_rect: TextureRect = % TextureRect
func display (item: Item ):
texture_rect.texture = item.icon
32:50 :
func open (inventory: Inventory ):
show ()
for item in inventory. get_items ():
var slot = slot_scene. instantiate ()
grid_container. add_child (slot)
# IMPORTANT: Add the node as a child first and THEN call display()
slot. display (item)
33:21 : Adding the UI to the scene:
34:34 : Code to show the inventory dialog:
extends CanvasLayer
@onready var player: Player = % Player
@onready var inventory_dialog: InventoryDialog = % InventoryDialog
func _unhandled_input (event):
if event. is_action_released ( "inventory" ):
# "inventory" is from the Input Map
inventory_dialog. open (player.inventory)
35:42 : Setting up the Input Map .
37:02 :
func open (inventory: Inventory ):
show ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE
# PROBLEM: Items are only added, never removed.
for item in inventory. get_items ():
var slot = slot_scene. instantiate ()
grid_container. add_child (slot)
# IMPORTANT: Add the node as a child first and THEN call display()
slot. display (item)
func _on_close_button_pressed ():
hide ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED
38:36 :
func open (inventory: Inventory ):
show ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE
for child in grid_container. get_children ():
child. queue_free ()
for item in inventory. get_items ():
var slot = slot_scene. instantiate ()
grid_container. add_child (slot)
# IMPORTANT: Add the node as a child first and THEN call display()
slot. display (item)
func _on_close_button_pressed ():
hide ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED
40:41 Creating a crafting system
42:14 :
class_name Recipe extends Resource
@export var name: String
@export var ingredients: Array [ Item ] = []
@export var results: Array [ Item ] = []
44:57 : crafting_dialong.tscn:
50:56 :
class_name CraftingDialong extends PanelContainer
@export var slot_scene: PackedScene
@onready var recipe_list: ItemList = % RecipeList
@onready var ingredients_container: GridContainer = % IngredientsContainer
@onready var results_container: GridContainer = % ResultsContainer
func open (recipes: Array [ Recipe ], inventory: Inventory ):
show ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE
recipe_list. clear ()
for recipe in recipes:
recipe_list. add_item (
func _on_close_button_pressed ():
hide ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED
53:50 : Connect to item_selected(index: int) signal from GridContainer
func _on_recipe_list_item_selected (index: int ):
# we need to first get the recipe itself
54:48 :
class_name CraftingDialong extends PanelContainer
# ...
func open (recipes: Array [ Recipe ], inventory: Inventory ):
show ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE
recipe_list. clear ()
for recipe in recipes:
var index: int = recipe_list. add_item (
recipe_list. set_item_metadata (index, recipe) # 👈🏼
func _on_recipe_list_item_selected (index: int ):
# we need to first get the recipe itself
var recipe = recipe_list. get_item_metadata (index)
func _on_close_button_pressed ():
hide ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED
56:17 :
class_name ItemGrid extends GridContainer
@export var slot_scene: PackedScene
func display (items: Array [ Item ]):
for child in get_children ():
child. queue_free ()
for item in items:
var slot = slot_scene. instantiate ()
add_child (slot)
slot. display (item)
class_name InventoryDialog extends PanelContainer
@export var slot_scene: PackedScene
@onready var grid_container: GridContainer = % GridContainer
func open (inventory: Inventory ):
show ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE
grid_container. display (inventory. get_items ())
func _on_close_button_pressed ():
self . hide ()
Input .mouse_mode = Input . MOUSE_MODE_CAPUTRED
1:12:57 Loading resources dynamically
1:13:34 : Load all the resources in a folder
var _all_recipes: Array [ Recipe ] = []
func _ready ():
# Get all the files in this folder
for file in DirAccess . get_files_at ( "res://data/recipes" )
var resource_file = "res://data/recipes/" + file
var recipe: Recipe = load (resource_file) as Recipe
_all_recipes. append (recipe)
func _unhandled_input (event):
if event. is_action_released ( "inventory" ):
inventory_dialog. open (player.inventory)
if event. is_action_released ( "crafting" ):
crafting_dialog. open (_all_recipes, player.inventory)
1:15:26 : Exporting the game to windows
Godot Resource Group plugin
Why Use a Resource Database
PROBLEM: The files don’t load when exported, because when Godot exports the files, they are organized and so all the file paths break.
Solution: Godot Resource Groups plugin
1:20:30 :
# ...
@export var all_recipes: ResourceGroup
@onready var _all_recipes: Array [ Recipe ] = []
func _ready ():
all_recipes. load_all_into (_all_recipes)
1:22:15 Maintaining a resource database
1:24:13 : Edit Resources as Table 2 plugin
This plugin allows you to edit many resources at the same time in a table view, like a spreadsheet.